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A Guide To Acknowledging Traditional Custodians

Understanding the Significance of Welcome to Country Ceremonies

A Guide to Acknowledging Traditional Custodians

What is a Welcome to Country Ceremony?

A Welcome to Country is a sacred ritual or formal ceremony performed by Traditional Custodians, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, to welcome visitors to their ancestral lands. It is a protocol that acknowledges the ongoing connection and responsibility of the traditional owners to their land and waters.

Welcome to Country ceremonies typically occur at the start of formal events, such as conferences, seminars, and festivals, held on traditional country. The ceremony involves a traditional dance, smoking ceremony, or a speech. It serves as a land acknowledgment and an opportunity for visitors to show their respect and understanding of the traditional owners' cultural heritage.

Benefits of a Welcome to Country Ceremony

Including a Welcome to Country ceremony in an event has numerous benefits, including:

  • Acknowledges First Nations History: It recognizes the traditional ownership of the land and the ongoing connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to their ancestral lands.
  • Fosters Respect and Understanding: It provides an opportunity for visitors to learn about and appreciate the cultural heritage of the Traditional Custodians.
  • Promotes Reconciliation: It contributes to reconciliation efforts by building bridges between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the wider community.
  • Creates a Sense of Belonging: It helps create a sense of belonging and inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander attendees.

By incorporating a Welcome to Country ceremony into an event, we can demonstrate our respect for the Traditional Custodians, acknowledge their cultural heritage, and contribute to a more inclusive and respectful society.
